Nothing without JOY!
— Loris Malaguzzi

‘Image of the Child’

‘Image of the Child’ is a key principle from the Reggio Emilia approach and this concept looks at children as capable and competent. According to Loris Malaguzzi (the first head of Reggio Emilia’s early childhood centres), the child is an active learner, seeking the meaning of the world from birth, a co-creator of knowledge, identity, culture and values; a citizen, the subject of rights not needs; and born with ‘a hundred languages’ (Moss, 2010).

  • Participants will begin to describe the importance of childhood and form a personal philosophy that guides their daily interactions with children.

    Participants will implement three strategies for improving teacher/parent - child relationships.

    Participants will be able to identify at least nine behaviors of parents/teachers that can be implemented to show a strong ‘image of the child’.

    Participants will identify their own meta theories to better understand cultural differences.

    Participants will identify their own biases that relate to teaching, parenting, and creating environments for children.

  • This training is a 2-hour class.