The course leaders provided space for a deeper dive into key concepts/practices outlined in the workshop. They also shared concrete examples of these practices with the group.
— Education Transformation Participant

Lightyear Leadership Educational Transformation

In this exciting new course you will learn three principles from Lightyear Leadership’s Personal Legacy course :

The Power of Knowing What You Want

The Line of Choice


  • Education Transformation starts with ‘The Power of Knowing what You Want’ and the belief that what you focus on expands. Participants will gain clarity on what they want and what they don’t want in their lives, now and in the future. Another Lightyear principle, ‘The Line of Choice,’ is an introduction to how we can live ‘in choice’ at all times. It supports leaders in learning how to take responsibility for their reactions, so they can show up as their ‘best self,’ every day. We will dive deep into the main causes of ‘reaction’ and how to restore yourself from reaction to choice. The Lightyear way of ensuring you set a vision and goals for yourself, and not for other people, is reinforced with the principle of ‘I AM, YOU ARE.’ This principle supports healthy boundaries and connections when working with others.

  • This course is 5 hours of professional development and is taught over the course of four weeks.